Class And Functionality
Are you a wine lover who owns an unused space in your home? Why don’t you convert it into a storage space for your wines? For exceptional wine cellar construction, turn to Lakay Construction. Our team of experienced construction specialists guarantees to build you a secure wine cellar with an environment that’s free from fluctuations in temperature, humidity, vibration, light, and odors.
Transform Your Closet into a Sophisticated Wine Cellar
Our team can convert your spare closet into a magnificent wine cellar with a pre-sized racking system that’s easy to assemble and install. Our racks are constructed from the finest clear, all-heart redwood available. We also provide technical assistance on cellar construction, engineering of refrigeration, and computer-generated floor plans for free.
Contact Us Today
At Lakay Construction, we understand that fine wines require careful storage to maintain their quality and freshness. Given proper conditions, age-worthy wines continue to improve for years to come. A perfect cellar is now a call away. Contact us today for further details about our construction solutions.